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HRN INDY| Sober Living Housing for Women in Indianapolis
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The House of Ruth and Naomi Inc.

Honesty. Respect. Nuturing

It takes a village to raise a child,  we at  HRN support,  and encourage positive growth and personal support by connecting parents within their community and offering  safe and  protected  living housing.

Bringing back the Village to the Community!

1 in 10

children (7.5 million) lived in households with at least one parent who had a past year alcohol use disorder.

1 in 35

children (2.1 million) lived in households with at least one parent who had an illicit drug use disorder in the past year.


 of mothers who were experiencing homelessness had used drugs 

HRN aims to provide safe & protected housing and assist women to become more
empowered, independent individuals. HRN has unique female-only guest long-duration housing and a comprehensive empowerment program.


HRN will make a significant and positive impact within the Indianapolis community, providing short-term and long-term relief with the ultimate goal being that the women within HRN
become productive members of society.

HRN was given unto Debbie Satterfield in a dream, with every detail and operation within the organization being orchestrated through this dream and vision given to her by God.  

Spirit Driven

Provide safe and protected housing.

  • Empower the lives of families.

  • Give direction and guidance in establishing families' lives.

  • Assist in regaining custody of children.

  • Find independence.

Every process was directed by divine purpose and order, with the goal and purpose to:

The mission of HRN is to radically change the
community we serve by changing the sterile
word from client to guest. HRN will faithfully
encourage our guests by walking alongside them
with honesty, respect, and nurturing. Just
because mistakes were made does not make one
a failure but allows one to start

life over:

  • Emphasize integrity and honesty and respect.

  • Utilize kindness geared to empower self-sufficiency.

  • Facilitate possible reunification of the women and their children within a safe and protected environment.

Our Mission

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